Anna Spiro

Anna Spiro

Anna Spiro earned her BSc in International Politics and Government with a focus on economics from Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Anna is fluent in English and Hungarian with advanced command of Spanish as well as an intermediate command of Italian.

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Insights & Trending Themes ByAnna Spiro

Top Global Risks of 2020: Global Recession

The world economy has been experiencing a period of growth over the last few years. This growth was especially challenged in 2019 and seems unsustainable in 2020 as geopolitical disputes, changes in the international system, slowing levels of production, increasing global debt, and falling commodity prices impact economies around the world ...

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Top Global Risks of 2020: Data Insecurity

Data insecurity has become one of the most prominent concerns for individuals, companies, and states alike. As we progress through the digital age and develop ever more advanced capabilities, data breaches and their associated costs become increasingly frequent, complex, targeted, and jeopardizing ...

Financial Implications of Argentina’s Return to Peronism

The long-awaited results from Argentina’s elections on October 27, 2019, have significant implications both for the future of Argentina and the international community. Peronist candidate Alberto Fernandez defeated incumbent Mauricio Macri in the election, with Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, President Macri’s predecessor, as his running mate ...

Benefits, Repercussions, and Risks of Venezuelan Sanctions

The economic and humanitarian situation in Venezuela continues to deteriorate. To put pressure on the Venezuelan regime and force Maduro out of power, the United States, along with European and Latin American countries, has implemented individual and sectoral sanctions targeting those associated with Maduro’s government ...