On August 27, 2019, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to discuss methods to end conflict in the city of Idlib, Syria. Russia backs the Assad government in Syria, while Turkey does not. Erdogan argued that increased conflict in Idlib, which sits near the Syria-Turkey border, exacerbates the current humanitarian crisis and poses potential threats for Turkey’s own national security. The meetings on August 27, which took place at the MAKS-2019 International Aviation and Space Salon in Zhukovsky, near Moscow, may lead to sales of Russian fighter jets, such as the Su-57 to Turkey, and joint training sessions for Turkish pilots. In light of previous events this year, such as Turkey’s receipt of Russia’s S-400 missile defense system, the August 27 meeting paradoxically provides more evidence of Turkey’s pivot away from NATO and towards Russia.