Partial results on Monday October 14th, 2019 demonstrated that Poland’s populist ruling party, the Law and Justice party (PiS), has won 44% of the country’s support. The largest opposition party, the Civic Coalition (KO), is in second place with 26.7%. Final results will be announced on Tuesday but if predictions hold, the Law and Justice party will be able to form a government without having to assemble a coalition.
This election was perceived as one of the most important ones since Poland first transitioned to a democracy in 1989, as those opposing the government fear that the country is creeping towards authoritarianism under the ruling party. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the Law and Justice party has been widely criticized for his illiberal measures of overhauling courts (thus undermining the rule of law), controlling state television and radio, and targeting migrants and LGBT groups. Nonetheless, many voters are attracted by the party’s conservative values and policies aimed at increasing economic secuirty, and are thus willing to overlook the leader's measures threatening institutions.